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Music Video

Music Videos


Music video created with the help of AI (stable difussion)


The primary challenge of this project was to create a music video that would not only complement the emotional depth and complexity of Ren's song "Suicide" but also amplify its message. The song, born out of personal loss and a desire to spark conversations about mental health, required a visual representation that could capture its raw emotion and the stark reality it portrays. The goal was to create a music video that could resonate with the audience on a profound level, encouraging them to engage with the song's theme and reflect on the broader issue of mental health. The challenge was to use the power of visuals to enhance the song's impact, while also ensuring the video remained true to Ren's artistic vision and the song's poignant narrative.


The solution to the challenge lay in the innovative use of AI technology and a clear, empathetic creative direction. We decided to use AI-generated visuals, crafted through Deforum, Runway2, and Topaz Labs, to create a unique aesthetic that could mirror the emotional landscape of the song. The visuals took on a video game aspect, showing Ren performing the song with his face in constant transition, symbolizing the fluctuating states of mind associated with grief and mental health struggles.

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